academirprepmiddle Tomorrow is our 3rd grade parent meeting in the sc Don’t forget to purchase the winter bundle to en Our AcadeMir Miller Toy Drive has begun! Toys need Hello December! We are so excited for what’s to Instagram post 17910799407046019 We are still collecting cans and boxed foods for f Congratulations to our Support Staff of the Month Tomorrow our cheerleaders will be selling tostadas Congratulations to our ACSM students of the month Congratulations to our APA students of the month ! The 4th Grade team promotes literacy. Our 4th grad APA students casted their votes in the naming of t Thank you to our ACSM Advanced Academics students Our Middle School Boo dance 👻 Trunk or Treat ! Thank you to all of our parent vo AcadeMir Miller elections are underway. Today our Our Harvest Festival Tickets are now on sale onlin Load More Follow on Instagram